Obelisk Verlag started to publish children´s books in 1967. Helga Buchroithner, who was first manager of the publishing company, is now also the owner. 2007 her son Georg Buchroithner has started to work in the company  and taken over responsibility. Inge Auböck has been the editor of the children´s books since the very beginning. The programme focuses on quality books for children between the age of 6 and 13. Quality ist guaranteed by the internationally renowned and award winning authors Walter Wippersberg, Renate Welsh, Käthe Recheis and Jutta Treiber and some younger authors, whose books are successful in the German speaking countries, i.e. Saskia Hula. One part of the programme is dedicated to humerous books for first readers and slow readers. Another emphasis is laid on phantasy books and realistic reading material.

Formerly Obelisk Verlag distributed only within Austria and Southern Tirol / Italy, and had sought coproduction with Swiss and German publishers, but since 2008 there is also a distribution of Obelisk Books in Germany and Switzerland.

Obelisk Verlag
Falkstraße 1
A-6020 Innsbruck
T 43-512-58 07 33
F 43-512-58 07 33 13

Editorial Director

Ing. Helga Buchroithner

Children´s Book Editor

Dr. Inge Auboeck

Rights & Permissions

Mag. Georg Buchroithner

Languages we correspond in: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish

Foreign Rights Catalogue – Download

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